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  • Writer's picturePrerak Srivastava

Hindus in Hindu Rashtra

Hindus in Hindu Rashtra Book by Anand Ranganathan

The only way stubble burning can be banned is if we call it Parali Dahan, a Hindu Festival wherein according to Atharva Veda, Lord Vishnu burnt demon king Paralisura when he enslaved Maruts and stormed King Rudra. Only then it will be banned. (Page No 76)

While reading that book, I remembered my ideal Veer Savarkar because I was always curious about the thought if he were alive today, then what would be his reaction to this present scenario? The author fulfills this need. Maybe you have read lots of books that changed your concept about history, but this one can change your concept for today.

Even when I saw this book cover, I didn’t have any idea that such kind of knowledge and facts are present here. But in that book review, I will try to summarize the message of the author which must be known by all Hindus in India, especially the next generations. Follow these pointers:

Initial Impressions of the Book

When I saw the book’s title, “Hindus in Hindu Rashtra,” I guessed it would surely be about the valor and sacrifice of Hindus, but then I just read the second line, “Eighth-Class Citizens and Victims of State-Sanctioned Apartheid,” and all my predictions changed. I realized it contains lots of pain and discrimination Hindus faced, and in the future, which type of even more troubles are in the pipeline. It is just a 103-page pocketbook that you can finish in just 2 hours. But it is so hard to digest the truth that it has because it is not about the past; it is about our present.

Why is Anand Ranganathan the most fitting choice to write that Book?

Anand Ranganathan’s qualifications and awards are enough to define his knowledge and ability behind slapping pseudo-seculars daily. But I was a bit shocked when I got to know that basically, he is a scientist. His degrees in BA (Tripos), Ph.D. (Biochemistry) & MA (Honorary) from Pembroke College, University of Cambridge, UK are just opposite to his esoteric knowledge which I saw in this book. But one thing makes him the most fitting choice, guess what? He did not paint himself with any political party’s color or religion. He calls himself a “Darwinian atheist” and considers Hinduism as a way of life. Watch this 40-second short clip to better understand this man.

Veer Savarkar was the man who exposed the Muslim League and the soft version of Congress 100 years ago, and now he also exposes the Muslim League (Congress & Leftist) and the soft version of Congress (BJP).

Analysis of Hindus in Hindu Rashtra

The whole narrative of this book gives a tight slap to those who said that India is a Hindu country and Hindus are intolerant and fascist. From the beginning, the author explains with facts how Hindus are living as 8th-class citizens in their own country. To advocate the facts, the author takes 8 subjects related to state controls over Hindu temples, Kashmiri Hindus, the Waqf board, the RTE Act, appeasement of non-Hindus by legislation, and even the judiciary’s agenda to target Hindu sentiments, celebration of India’s invaders' names, and Places of Worship Act.

After finishing its last page, you will realize that you are talking about Akhand Bharat and 77% area of your national capital is owned by the Waqf board (Page 27). You talked about taking POK back, but even your supreme court has rejected reopening cases of criminal atrocities against Kashmiri Hindus because too much time has elapsed (Page 16).

And we are calling the present government Pro-Hindu, and they were silent over the Sabarimala verdict which was against a thousand years of culture. Is there any government or court that has the guts to ban Halal?

On page 69, the author states, "While the Supreme Court decides to remove discrimination from Islam, it is stopped from doing so by the parliament. When it decides to remove perceived discrimination from Hinduism, it is encouraged to do so by parliament."

Three lessons from that book

Kashi Corridor is just a drop in the ocean

On page no 9, the author states, "Why does the present government gloat on constructing temple corridors like the one in Kashi at the cost of 339 crores when it could have relinquished control over Hindu temples and allowed the latter to fund hundreds of such corridors over the length and breadth of this country."

The fundamental contradiction between Articles 21 and 25

On page 71, the author states, "If one follows Article 21 (right to life, dignity, and liberty), it is impossible to follow Article 25 (right to practice any religion) of our constitution." To justify this statement, the author gives an example of a true Catholic and Muslim woman, where the first one cannot be ordained as a priest, and the latter one cannot sing, dance, play sports, drink, etc. So the truth is that one would have to be an atheist to always override Article 25 and support Article 21.

You are Hindu even if you are atheist

Yes! The author is one of them. Do you remember, at the start of the blog, I mentioned the name of Veer Savarkar; he was also an atheist, but even that he was the Father of Hindu Nationalism. Hinduism is a way of life, no matter who you are. You can be a devotee of Ram, Krishna, Shiva, or none of that; it doesn’t matter. The one thing related to this concept I found on page no 102, love to share with you, where the author states,

"You may say that as a Darwinian atheist, I have no legitimate right to intervene. But I assert that this is not a Hindu Issue. Looking for Shivling, reclaiming demolished, destroyed places of worship, correcting historical injustices, is an Indian Issue."

The audience I would recommend this book to

If the Hindus have all the social awareness about all the discrimination they have been facing since independence and even by the present government, Anand Ranganathan has no reason to write such kind of book. Even though there are many things that I found in this book that are shocking and hard to believe, it's the truth.

Even we don’t want to pass this lack of awareness strick to the next generation. So try to forward this book as much as possible into Hindu’s hands if you can. Even if you are an atheist. That book is a must-read for you.


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