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  • Writer's picturePrerak Srivastava

4 Most Useful Lessons to be learned from Chhatrapati Shivaji Maharaj

Updated: Dec 5, 2022

Shivaji maharaj story

"Kashi ki Pratima Jaati! Mathura Masjid Hoti, Agar Shivaji na hote to Sunnat Sabki hoti." These Lines were written by a poet named "Mahakavi Bhushan" from Bundelkhand (Present: Uttar Pradesh) which is 861 Km Away from Maharashtra. The meaning describes that Shivaji was the person who saved the Hindus to break away from their Dharma and Life. the resion behind citing Mahakavi Bhushan's Line is to clear the confusion of the majority audience that Shivaji was the only Maharashtrian Icon. in this Article I will describe the story of India's first freedom fighter Chhatrapati Shivaji Maharaj's Velour as well as some Values and moral which is same useful in nowadays.

The Beginning of Attacks

mahajanapadas map

India is a country who faced invasions since its civilization period. The First Invasion did by Irains in the 6th Century BC after that we faced Alexgender's invasion in 326 BC but they did not make a huge and brief impact on our country because most of the initial invasions including Mohammad Bin Kasim targetted the North West Frontier Aera of India. but from time to time many Indian kings like Chandragupta Maurya, Ashoka, and Chandragupta Vikramaditya successfully liberate India's Land from Invaders. but after the Defended of Prithviraj Chauhan in the Second Battle of Tarain in 1192 AD. India's Kings Lost their powers day by day, sometimes they tried to fight invaders but it was only limited to their certain Land or their state. But the Major question was which Indian king has the power to take back the whole land from invaders who makes their superiority in the Last 500 Years by Ruling India.

The Mughal Empire

mughal empire map

In 1600 AD, Mughal Empire was the Center of All the Powers in the Indian Subcontinent, The Land that was the Birth Place of Rama, Krishna, Nanak, Mahaveer, and Buddha. but at that time it was ruled by the dynasty that was the representative of their khalifa who lived in Turkey. that was the actual era of Slavery for Indians. Most of the kings try to liberate our Land from the Mughals, but none succeed. even their fight was also limited to their respective state. after the first battle of Panipat and the foundation of the Mughal Empire in 1526 AD, the Mughals successfully expanded their empire to the whole subcontinent (except some areas of Northeast, Burma, Srilanka, and Afghanistan). it was too difficult to rule such a large state with a single source of power, so the Mughals used a governor who was the direct representative of the Mughal king. it used a very large scale in the Deccan area Like Bijapur State, Ahehmad Nagar State, and Nizam State, they all were representatives of the Mughal King and ruled with some Auctocracy till 1700 AD when Aurangzeb Directed the whole Empire part. The Story of Chhatrapati Shivaji Maharaj started in Bijapur State where Adil Shah ruled his dynasty. Many Marathas worked as Jagirdaar under the Adil Shah Government. Shahji Bhosle (Father of Chhatrapati Shivaji Maharaj) was one of them.

The Rise of Chhatrapati Shivaji Maharaj

shivaji maharaj with his mother

In Bhagwat Geeta, Bhagwan Shree Krishna Says, whenever evil things try to make destruction, I will definitely come to save dharma. but that time it was not Lord Narayana but Lord Shiva who come to exploit all the evils from Holy Land India. On 19 February 1630 AD at Shivneri Fort, Shahji Bhosle, and Jijabai Gave birth to a Child whose name was "Shiv Baa". Shiv Baa was not an ordinary child like others, he knows about his dreams since his childhood, and his dream was "Hindu Pad Padshshi" or Hindwi Swaraj.

But Dear Readers, you must have clarity on the word "Hindu". the term Hindu is used for all the persons whose religion is grown in Holy Land India. The term Hindu Covers all religions including Sanatana, Sikhism, Buddhism, Jainism, Lingayats, etc.

In 1645 AD, Shiv Baa direct challenged the Adil shahi Government. and start a Battle against him, for this battle Shiv Baa unites some Local Maratha Revolutionaries who also have the same conflicts with Adil Shah. and he successfully captures the Torana Fort at just the age of 15 Yrs. then he becomes "Shivaji Raje". he fights against the Mughals and Adil Shah for the next 20 years but no one was enough power to beat him. Even the Mughals also loosed their all forts one by one. The Major reason Shivaji is behind the Victory of Shiavji Raje is "Gorilla War Tactics". At that time Shivaji also saved many Hindus from the torture by Mughals & Portuguese had who not even lived in his territory. Because the agenda of Hindu Swaraj was not limited to Maharashtra it was for all of the Subcontinent.

But how is this possible to win the entire land against the Mughals which were more powerful in the Period of Aurangzeb? Actually, Aurangzeb had not enough guts to face Shivaji Raje on BattleField. so he used Mirza Raje "Jai Singh" as his tool. and he got what he wants.

Treaty of Purandar: The Deception

shivaji maharaj in agra fort

Suppose, You are a Leader, and you are completely dedicated to empowering your Team members suddenly you know that one person from your team was stand against you and he wants back all the efforts which were performed by you, not only for his development but also for every person who was the part of a team. that condition is enough to define the things happened in Purandar Treaty.

In 1665 AD Aurangzeb sent Mirza Raje Jai Singh to Arrest Shivaji Raje with the Army of more than 1 Lacks in Daccen. Shivaji Maharaj was Shocked to see a Hindu King who was against him, Shivaji also try to convince him that his war is not for to win the forts and money. he fights for the freedom of his Country against the Mughal Invaders. He was also ready to give all of his Forts to Jai Singh but he don't want to give them to the Mughals under any Conditions. But Finally, after the Treaty of Purandar Shivaji was forced to give most of his forts to the Mughals, Gondahna was one of them, which lately won by Tanaji and Renamed SinghGarh. But That's not all! Aurangzeb also tried to capture Shivaji Raje and his son Shambhaji in Delhi. because he knows very well that the next day, this person can again win all the forts. But unfortunately, Aurangzeb can't hold a Lion in his incarceration agenda. In 1666 AD Shivaji Raje successfully escaped from the Lal Qila with his 10 Years old son Shambhaji.

Brave Warriors Never Give Up

velour of marathas

After the successful escape from Aurangzeb's Trap. Shivaji again started fighting for his country with twice efforts.. and fight to take back all the forts and land which was captured by the Mughals. And Finally in 1674 AD Shivaji Raje becomes the 1st Chhatrapati of the Maratha Empire after his Coronation in Raigarh Fort. and he never stops his fight against the Invaders till his death in 1680 AD.

Was Shivaji Maharaj Successful to accomplish his Mission?

After 20 Years of Chhatrapati Shivaji Maharaj's Death, Mughal emperor Aurangzeb Expend his empire to all the Deccan. and won most of the forts which were under the so-called occupation of Marathas. So can we say that Shivaji Maharaj's dream abolishes with his death? the answer is Hell No! the Dream of Chhatrapati Shivaji Maharaj was fulfilled after 79 Years of the Rule of Peshwa Nana Sahab. when Maratha Empire expend from Attok(Northwest) to Cuttok(East). that's the time when the Dream of Hindu Pad Padshahi Comes True. in 1760 AD, Lal Qila of Delhi where Aurangzeb forced Shivaji Maharaj for his treaty was filled with the saffron color of the Maratha Flag.

maratha empire map

Finally, Let's Talk about some Morals which we can learn from the Chhatrapati Shivaji Maharaj's Life.

  1. Never get Feared or Nervous by Giant Powers of Your Competitors. Just like 15 years old Shiv Baa in Front of Adil Shah. You have to fight with that and make your own empire.

  2. Never get Distracted people when your own peoples are against you. You have to make clear your vision and mission and you shouldn't allow anyone to break that, even if it was Jai Singh or Aurangzeb.

  3. It is not necessary that your efforts make a result according to your time period, but it will definitely make a huge and large impact, sometimes it will take too much time but it will be done. Just Like Maratha Empire was at its peak when Chhatrapati Shivaji Maharaj was no more.

  4. Sometimes your efforts are enough to appreciate others towards the same vision you have. if You watch the Movie Tanaji there was a dialog "One Maratha contains One Lacks Maratha". So Stand! expend your ideology and connect with others.

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