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  • Writer's picturePrerak Srivastava

Hey Ram: Gandhi Hatyakand ki Pramanik Padtal

Updated: Feb 25, 2023

Book Review of Prakhar Srivastava’s Hey Ram (हे राम)- Gandhi Hatyakand ki Pramanik Padtal

A prisoner was bleeding from his head while sitting on the floor; therefore, before the doctor could begin bandaging him, he interrupted them to check his blood pressure and heartbeat (both of which were normal) and asked the doctor to record that information in the medical report because he didn't want people to think that he killed Gandhi out of the madness.

That is the conversation between Doctor Gurubaksh and the man who assassinated Mahatma Gandhi, Nathuram Vinayak Godse. (Chapter 16, Page No. 241)

The reason behind mentioning that conversation is that the NCERT syllabus teaches the student of class 8th that Nathueram Godse was unbalanced and killed Gandhi cause of his craziness.

Look at the official website of NCERT, and note the term "Fanatic."

NCERT Class 8th History
Official Website of NCERT

Which thing motivated the contemporaneous Indian government to hide exact facts and statements related to the case of Gandhi's murderer?

Why even today, did the lobby of congress (so-called protectors of democracy) start saying "Deshdrohi" (traitor) to whom who said Godse did the right thing?

Why did the government manipulate significant facts about Godse and ban his statement for over 20 years if he was wrong?

What was the reason behind this triggered the political monopoly? and the deliberate scheme to discredit a particular ideology?

One of the boldest journalists, Prakhar Srivastava, researched Gandhi and Godse in-depth and wrote a book that can give a straight answer about every incident related to Gandhi's assassination. That book offers significant knowledge of the events covering Gandhi's murder and the plot to hide Godse's final words.

Today, I will review his Marvelous Book with the most accurate writing of incidents that makes his Book Hey Ram India's top seller.

These are the points that I will be going to cover in my book review:

Initial Impressions of the Book

562 Pages Book, currently available in Hindi, is divided into two equal sections; the first covers the detailed Incidents of Gandhi between 1946-1948. in which Author gives a deep knowledge about every activity of Gandhi and what he did, even on his last day.

The second section of the book is about Godse; in that section, the Author highlights the Rising of Godse, like his birth, his story behind becoming Ramchandra to Nathuram, his political journey with RSS and Hindu Mahasabha, his disillusionment towards RSS and Savarkar. that also helps us to make a clear understanding about the thought process of Godse till the period of the assassination and then hanging.

Why is Prakhar Srivastava the most fitting choice to write that Book

In 2018, When is was pursuing my graduation, I watched a program on Capital TV called "Khari Baat, Prakhar ki Saath," which was devoted to obscure historical details about India. Every episode taught me something new, always. I can't forget a few of these, including "when RSS successfully saved the Sindhi Hindu women from Pakistan" and "How the Muslim league won the election in the majority of the seats which are now part of India." Prakhar Srivastava is walking the path I've always wanted to. Thus I started to like him. Then I started calling him "Prakhar Bhaiya" (Elder Brother). among my friends.

That book highlights the facts of India's most controversial assassination. That challenges the social custom of Gandhi's followers to make his Image greater than Hindu Gods. The game of unmasking the hidden facts from the dusty pages of the Indian archive is not everyone's cup of tea. For that work, a person has to require three things, first is "Hard work," as a journalist, Prakhar Srivastava has; second is "Bravery to Unmask the sensitive facts," which he did while working in Capital TV; third is "determination."

Having all these quality makes Prakahar Srivastava a perfect person to write that book.

Analysis of Hey Ram- Gandhi Hatyakand ki Pramanik Padtal

First of all, I want to make it clear that if anyone believes that Prakhar Srivastava has a hidden agenda or that book is a plot to discredit Gandhi, they should be aware that all of the sources in the book are based on data that has been verified and is available in the national archive and dates back to the Nehru administration in the country. And do you know what's most significant? In the first section of Gandhi's incidents, All of the sources in this book are obtained from the closest associates of Gandhi and congress members.

The Book starts from the period when Nehru was elected as a congress president after Gandhi's supernatural force for Sardar Patel to Fall back from his Candidature. after that, the story comes to the Kolkata and Noakhali riots, which happened in 1946, in which Author clearly shown the facts and statements of the contemporary period that how Gandhi deliberately ignored Victoms from Hindu Community. But In the chapter of Agnipath, the author also describes Gandhi's last effort for Hindu victims. But the whole scenario gives us a deep understanding that the political atmosphere was too inattentive for Hindus.

In the next chapter, the author highlights Gandhi's fallback from his effort to maintain India Undivided. He gives clear facts and contemporary statements of Gandhi's, which conducts the ultimate policy of Muslim appeasement. Gandhi's attitude toward Hindu refugees is the perfect example ever shown.

"Gandhi's Experiment of Brhamcharya" was a topic I can't forget. No one can accept this type of activity, especially the so-called father of the nation. You will be stunned after reading that points.

The 75 errors made by the contemporary government of India between 20 January to 30 January 1948, when they had the opportunity to prevent the assassination, is part of the book I loved the most. That also prompts you to consider that there may be more to the Gandhi murder conspiracy than you are currently aware of.

Three lessons from that book

After reading all the facts and going through the process, there is a three significant learning which I found from that book,

Gandhi should not have been Assassinated

Gandhi's reputation nearly changed during his final days. Gandhi's approach of appeasing Muslims, in particular, profoundly offended the refugees who had fled from Pakistan. Refugees occasionally demonstrated against Gandhi in the Birla House, chanting, "If Gandhi dies, let him die." It should be mentioned that the man who detonated the bomb in Gandhi's assembly (Madanlal Pahwa) also was a refugee.

Yet, the three bullets from Godse's pistol abruptly changed Gandhi's image to that of a martyr. Congress used that image to control India for the following six decades. If Gandhi passes away naturally, it is unlikely that anyone will be able to glorify him and use his name to control the nation for decades.

Nathuram Godse could have become the ideal of Hindus.

He was the Maharashtrian Chitpawan Bramhan. The tragedy of the partition did not directly affect him or his family. But, he decided to exact revenge on Gandhi on behalf of the millions of Sikhs and Hindus who died. He became a role model for many Hindus, especially refugees who fled Pakistan after losing everything.

After Gandhi's death, the government made a total effort to erase the remarks and writings of Godse that he submitted to the court. No one dares to discuss the factors that led Godse to assassinate Gandhi even now. In addition, the contemporary government refused to give Godse and Apte's bodies to their families because they knew many would attend their funerals, harming their reputation.

Some also probably did not want Gandhi to be alive.

Gandhi's assassination attempt was made for the first time on January 20, 1948. After that unsuccessful attempt, police detained Madanlal Pahwa (one of the conspirators). They obtained a lot of confidential information from him. But, no serious effort was made to search the inmates after that. After reading through the chronological events, it is evident that, with even minimal effort, the police could apprehend every suspect before the assassination of January 30th, 1948.

Whose orders, though, did he fail to follow?

Despite this, individuals who went beyond the pale of negligence were promoted. It isn't easy to imagine that it was just coincidental.

The audience I would recommend this book to

Before making any recommendations, I want the readers to learn from a brief personal experience I had four years ago. It was Gandhi Jayanti at the time, and social media was very active. Twitter was trending with the phrase "GodseAmarRahe" (Long Live Godse). That day, I wrote a post on my Facebook page: "We must advise our kids to read both Gandhi and Godse and then let them pick the one they find most inspiring. Who are we to compel someone?"

The following day, when I arrived at my coaching session, the teacher—strongly biased against Godse—stopped me in front of the entire student group and asked, "What did you post yesterday?"

When I began to repeat, he stopped me and said, "Gandhi Ji is God; no one can make a solemn conversation about it; who the hell are you to support Godse; it's better to unfriend me before posting these types of Pro-Godse posts." I said,

"I believe you misread my post because I didn't support Godse. I merely support the equal study of the two, which is everyone's right. Gandhi once remarked that everyone should be open to hearing opposing viewpoints, even if they are your enemies."

Nonetheless, the teacher was furious with rage. I then decided to stop speaking after that.

Prakhar Srivastava has just written what I had been waiting for. A piece of literature that offers a comparative analysis of Gandhi and Godse while remaining objective. Every Indian should read that book, in my opinion.

I'll buy three extra copies of that book to serve as a paradigm and gift them to three teachers who can instruct their students correctly without bias. Because Gandhiji also wants the same thing. Hey Ram!


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