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Lt Colonel Purohit: The Man Betrayed?

Updated: Feb 25, 2023

Smita Mishra’s Lt Colonel Purohit: The Man Betrayed?

Khanvilkar then ordered a few junior personnel of the ATS to beat up Col. Purohit black and Blue while provoking them to say,’ see how it feels to beat up a colonel of the Indian Army.’

While reading that book I felt different types of emotions on every page. some provide A feeling of Patriotism, hope, and disappointment by corruption by the top level of buro crates and Politicians but the most hurtful part was when I came up to know about the tortures undergone by a soul of a patriot and one of the most decorated Army officer in his own country. Let’s take a Review of Smita Mishra’s Book which is enough to shame a system by which this type of activity took a part against whom are the protectors of that. These are some outlines of the entire book review subject.

Initial Impressions of the book

The Book Lt Colonel Purohit is not limited by a biography or a story by that particular person. Although that is the story that describes a complete chronology of incidents performed at the time of the Central UPA government between 2004 to 2014 to put an Image of Hindus as a terrorist or we can say to express an agenda of Hindu Terror. In this Book, Smita Mishra provides a collection of Details about every incident. Most of the data taken by the News Reports, NIA Chargesheet, Statement by prosecutions, and Interviews of military & government personnel (some of the names Unrevealed due to their safety), Interaction by the personas who are involved in the case, and a lot of direct research work.

Why is Smita Mishra the most fitting choice to write that book?

She is a Reputed Journalist who worked for 25 years in print and electronic media reporting mainly for internal security and terrorism. At the time when these incidents happen, she was completely active in the press world. She watches closely every event mentioned in the book. Whether it was the incident of The first draft Bill of 2005 for “Prevention of Communal violence” (the founding stone of all conspiracy), and its withdrawal on February 2014. She was activated during the whole series of incidents that occurs to make Col. Purohit a face of “Hindu Terror”.

Analysis of Lt Colonel Purohit: The Man Betrayed?

From the Starting point, the books give a feeling of being personal with that story. Smita Writes that story in a way just like I watch a web series or a movie. If you start reading that book you can relate to the point so easily because all the twisted and unsolved puzzles will answer your quarry in the final chapters. But the initial chapter will bind you with the story. There is a total of 9 chapters in that book. And seriously I got all my answers in the final chapter which is

  • Why was it happen?

  • Why government chooses purohit to make a scapegoat?

  • What is the reason behind making a theory of Hindu terror?

Smita Starts her story with her first meeting with Lt. Col Prasad Srikant Purohit far after the incidents happen. The details of Communication in the first chapter are far better to introduce Col. Purohit to readers his personality unlike giving his Biodata manually. Actually, that part gives me a curiosity to learn more about Col. Purohit, especially While his name was used for making a conspiracy of Hindu Terror.

The most interesting part is that Smita leaves no stone unturned to expose the conspiracy against Col. Purohit. There are some examples:

  • Col. RK Srivastava, (who picked up Col. Purohit illegally on 29 October 2008 from Panhmarhi) has many run-in complaints against him by other personnel & his issues with intelligence reports.

  • From 29 October 2008 to 5 November 2008, Col. Purohit was illegally kept. During that period there was not any single proof against him but at that time he bored Hardcore physical and mental torture. ( That is too brutal to analyze here)

  • Col Joshi, (One of the friends of Col. Purohit), Write a complaint to Human Rights Commission against the ATS, Mumbai forcing him to give a statement against Col. Purohit.

  • The Most Important Part is how RDX was planted at the house of Sudhakar Mishra (Latter Alleged that Col. Purohit put that here) by some of the proprietors of the conspiracy.

The first 4 chapters are dedicated to giving details about the plot of the story, But chapter 5 “Torture Files”, chat chapter literally made me almost cry for the brutality that Purohit faces during his incarceration.

Three Lessons from that book

Once a Soldier Always a Soldier

In chapter 1, Page No.6, Smita mentioned an incident of her meeting with Col. Purohit,

“I thought I would meet a person full of complaints for the politics of the country, perhaps abusing his fate (as we Indians find it easiest to do), definitely bad-mouthing the agencies and perhaps even the judiciary or maybe the whole at large. That is why the calmness on his face struck me as almost yogic.”

The Real Face behind Conspiracy

In Chapter 2, Page No.59, Smita is in conversation with RVS Mani. (former Central government officer who shot to prominence as a whistleblower in 2009 when he alleged he had been forced to sign documents that fabricated a narrative of 'Saffron Terror')

Mani Told her about an incident in 2006 when he was called to the union home minister’s office in the north block,

“When I entered his office, Shivraj Patil, the Home Minister, was sitting on his chair. Two people were on the sofa- Digvijay Singh and another gentleman, who I later come to know were Hemant Karkare. Shivraj Patil Did not say anything. These two people kept asking me about one terror case after another. I kept giving them details of the cases. Lashkar-e-Taiba, Jamat-ud-dawa, Harkat-ul-jihad-al-Islami, Bangladesh, etc. then they asked “Hindu ka hoga”, I said I don’t have any details, neither any inputs nor any source.”

Trust, Definition of True Love

That’s my favorite part that I found in that book. You would be thinking that the book which is about the conspiracy against a Decorated Army officer how turned out to be a love story.

Yes, it is.

Trust of Aparna Purohit (The better half of Col. Purohit), who devoted her whole day to meeting with his husband for just 10 min in jail. When the majority of the country almost start believing in that theory against Col. Purohit, when the media (Globbaly) leaves no stone unturned to label Purohit as a terrorist. That time his wife fought for him .from courtroom to jail, jail to lawyer’s Chamber. But her trust in his Husband’s patriotism was never to languish.

The audience I would recommend this book to

Every Hindu has to read this book, for understanding the most terrifying conspiracy against our Dharma. Especially I recommend that book to the young generation to be aware of this kind of propaganda that has not stopped even today, every next day politicians from specific ideologies come in front and labeled all Hindus mob lynchers and violent.

Apurva Bharat shows lots of gratitude to Smita Mishra to write a Such Kind Book.

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